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Atma Jyoti School of Yoga (AJSY) is a premier seat for learning yoga. It is located in the holy city of Rishikesh, which is well known as the global capital of the yoga. This institution is dedicated to the cause of spreading the knowledge of yoga for the benefit of all humanity.

AJSY is an institution of international standards and an ideal place for sincere seekers to receive instructions in the realms of yoga and Dhyana. Here, the aspirants will receive training in a verdant atmosphere and a spiritually elevated ambiance. The venue is nestled amidst the idyllic surroundings of the foothills of the Himalayas, away from the buzz of city life. The river Ganga flowing beside it adds charm to the already stunning location. Anyone wishing to practice, relax and rejuvenate will find our premises the perfect location.

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  • Rishikesh, India
  • Rishikesh, India
  • Rishikesh, India
  • Kathmandu, Nepal

Our aim and objectives


AJSY offers teacher training courses and yoga retreat programmes to popularize the ancient and fabled wisdom of yoga. We believe in the oneness of humanity. All of us inhabit the same planet and are connected to the same consciousness. Hence, we form a single family. Every individual is entitled to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. It is our sincere belief that it is possible to live such a life by exploring the ancient science of yoga.

Modern lifestyles are being redefined by the advent of technology in all spheres of life. Technology has added to our comforts and significantly reduced physical labor at home as well as in the workplace. Machines have replaced manual work, leading to unprecedented changes in our lifestyle and attitude.

A yearning for wealth and the luxuries of life and the resultant competition are integral to the modern way of living. Today, people are in a mad race for wealth, name and fame. Thus, they are deprived of the natural, peaceful and healthy life that our forefathers once enjoyed. The result is an alarming rise in physical as well as mental health issues.

What is the way out?


The answer is yoga. This ancient and time-tested technique offers remedy to modern-day complexities. Yoga is a unique combination of physical exercises, breathing patterns and meditative techniques. It helps overcome both physical and mental stress while ensuring overall well-being. Regular practice of yogic techniques makes our lives more active and blissful.

Keeping all these factors in mind, AJSY has designed yoga courses that are unique in combining Asana, Pranayama and Dhyana. Participants will have the benefit of learning yoga from dedicated and expert teachers who are well versed in the authentic way of practicing yoga.

Yoga is not just a set of physical exercises or breathing techniques. It is a unique method discovered by the yogis of yore to be conscious of the self and look beyond the materialistic world to achieve oneness with the universe. When such a balance is maintained, human beings will attain a higher level of awareness, realize their true nature and live a fruitful life.

As a legendary Sanskrit poet declared, ‘Shareera Madhyam Khalu Dharma Sadhanam’, meaning the physical body is the medium for righteous action. Our foremost priority should always be to maintain a healthy physical state where the body, mind and soul are in perfect harmony.

Yoga practice is an ideal method to achieve such perfect harmony. Interestingly, modern scientific research has concurred with the ancient belief that the yogic mind achieves a balance of the alpha, gamma and theta waves of energy which are responsible for obtaining higher consciousness and unlimited energy. Regular practice of yoga also helps overcome pain, cope with emotional imbalance, achieve better concentration and stay focused on higher goals.


What is Yoga


The word Yoga is derived from Sanskrit root word Yuj, which means Union or 'to Unite'. Yoga is a way to unite one individual soul with the Supreme soul. Yoga can not only be understood as a key to unlocking all the limitations and boundaries of the soul and achieve ultimate freedom from the sorrows in life by detaching ourselves from the physical self but also uniting or connecting ourselves with the ultimate source of everything. Yoga unites the mind with the soul which is always united with the supreme soul thus in Yoga we realize that all beings are connected to the same consciousness and God resides within all of us and thus we act in the same manner of respect and compassion.

Bhakti Yoga

The Sanskrit word Bhakti comes from the root Bhaj, which means "to adore or worship God." Bhakti-Yoga has been called "love for love's...
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Gyana Yoga

Gyana or Jyana means "wisdom/knowledge". Gyana Yoga is the path where reality is discovered through insight, practice and...
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Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga primarily concerned with mastery of the body, and it is arguably the tradition most familiar to Western...
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Karma Yoga

Karma means Action. Karma yoga is the path of selfless action (work).It teaches that a spiritual seeker should act according to Dharma, without...
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Raja Yoga

Raja means 'king" or 'royal," referring to the status of Raja yoga as a "royal path"' or principal form of yoga.Traditionally, Raja yoga refers to both the...
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Ashtanga Yoga

In Sanskrit "Ashta + anga" is ashtanga."Ashta" means Eight and "Anga" is limbs so it means Eight Limb path, Ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga...
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What Our Guru Say.....

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+91 9557 430445

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Meet Atma Jyoti Yoga team


We have the most authentic and traditional team of yoga masters who have been trained and educated in different ashrams under the guidance of the Himalayan yogis.

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